Friday 29 February 2008

A couple of longer talks

Some useful stuff about evangelism:

Acts 9:1-20 - Evangelism flowing from the cross

1 Peter - Mission is Crucifixion by Glen Scrivener
(where I nicked some of my Acts 9 stuff)
Mike Reeves on Mission

Some inspiring Jesus stuff:

John 1:1-18 - Who is Jesus?

My old essay:


1 comment:

Chene said...

listened to Glen Scrivner's talk. Thought it was great but then got a bit confused. Does he mean that evangelism does not always mean telling the gospel in words? Since he says that we are all given different gifts. So for example, some are good at hospitality so they should simply be hospitable and wiat for people to ask them why they have such hope? why they are so nice? as in not having to actively tell the gospel?

i just think it's so easy jsut to be nice and wait for people to ask you. it's much easier, much less frightening.

instead I find myself always struggling in every conversation with non believers to find loopholes to slip the Jesus word in. Sometimes just sit at lunch time with colleagues and just find it maddenening that day after day I can't find a way to talk about God. or shoudl I just wait for them to ask me?
to be honest no one has EVER asked me why I am so nice or why i have such hope. Perhaps I am too sinful, always depressed, complaining and selfish. At that rate, NOBODY is every going to hear the gospel.

what do the rest of you think?